Data Transfer

During your upgrade, the Jira settings and permission will stay the same. The following data will be migrated:

Table 1. Test cases fields

Legacy Squad test case fields

New Squad test case fields

Migration path



We migrate the Squad test case "Summary" field to the "Name" field inside the New Squad test case.



We migrate the Squad test case "Description" field to the "Objective" field inside the New Squad test case.



We extract the data about issue statuses from Jira("To Do", In Progress", "Done", etc) for this project and use this data to re-create these statuses as custom statuses for test cases in New Squad and then assign them accordingly to test cases migrated from Legacy Squad to New Squad.


No equivalent inside the test case creation in New Squad.

We create a custom field for test case in New Squad with type user picker called “Assignee“ and map Legacy Squad Assignee there.



We need to extract labels for test case from Legacy Squad and migrate them to New Squad.


No equivalent inside the test case creation in New Squad.

Sprint Field from Legacy Squad will become a test case custom field(Select list Multi-choice) in New Squad with the name "Sprint" that contains the data from Legacy Squad.

Story point estimate

No equivalent inside the test case creation in New Squad.

WE ARE NOT MIGRATING THIS FIELD. There is no use of story points in New Squad.

Fix versions

No equivalent inside the test case creation in New Squad.

The "Fix versions" Field from Legacy Squad will become a test case custom field(Select list Multi-choice) in New Squad with the name "Fix versions" that contains the data from Legacy Squad test case “Fix Version“ field.

Affected versions

No equivalent inside the test case creation in New Squad.

If the value exists, “Affected version” field will be migrated as a custom field called “Affected version“(Select list Multi-choice) for New Squad test case.



We migrate data from the "Reporter" field in Squad to the New Squad test case field "Owner".



We are migrating all priorities as custom ones and then assigning them according to the migrated test cases.

Due date

No equivalent inside the test case creation in New Squad.

We are migrating “Due Date” field from Legacy Sqaud as custom field called “Due Date” to New Squad with the type Date picker.

Original estimate

Estimated time

We need to transform the data into the hours and minutes format (hh:mm) and if the value will be bigger than 99h:59m. We truncate it to fit 99h:59m and assign this value to the "Estimated time" field in the New Squad Test case.

Time Tracking

No equivalent inside the test case creation in New Squad.

WE ARE NOT MIGRATING THIS FIELD. “Time tracking“ for Legacy Squad test case represents the logged time. It's equivalent in New Squad is represented by the field "Actual" inside the test player.

Start dates

No equivalent inside the test case creation in New Squad.

If the value exists, we are migrating “Start dates” field from Legacy Sqaud as custom field called “Start dates” to New Squad with the type Date picker.


No equivalent inside the test case creation in New Squad.

If the “Environment“ field for Legacy Squad test case is not empty we need to create a custom field in New Squad called “Environment“(type: Text Field (Multi-Line)) and transfer Legacy Squad data to this field in New Squad.



If the component field in Legacy Squad contains multiple component values, one of the components needs to be assigned to the component field for the New Squad test case and all others need to be mapped to the New Squad test case custom field called “Squad components“ with the type Select List (Multi Choice).

Epic link

Test case → traceability tab → Issue

When we have an epic link we need to link it to Jira issue inside the traceability section of the test case.

Issue links

Test case → traceability tab → Issue

When we have an issue link we need to link it to Jira issue inside the traceability section of the test case



We migrate comments as it is from Legacy Squad test case to New Squad test case



We migrate attachments as they are.


Test case → traceability tab → Issue

When we have an sub-task link we need to link it to Jira issue inside the traceability section of the test case.

Test case custom fields

All of them will be migrated except the one with Jira Advanced type.

Table 2. Test case custom fields

Legacy Squad

New Squad


Select List (Multi-Choice)

Date picker

Date picker

Date time picker

Date picker


Label field inside the test case

Number field


Radio Buttons

Select List (Single Choice)

Select list (cascading)


Select list (multiple choices)

Select List (Multi-Choice)

Select list (single choice)

Select List (Single-Choice)

Paragraph (supports rich text)

Text Field (Multi-Line)

Short text (plain text only)

Text Field (Single-Line)

URL Field

Text Field (Multi-Line)

User Picker (single user)

User Picker

Test case linked issues

We extract linked issues from the Legacy Squad test case and link them to the New Squad test case in the traceability section.

Test case steps: step, data, and result

Legacy Squad

New Squad

Test step


Test Data

Test Data

Test Result

Expected Result



Custom fields

Custom fields

Test case step attachments

We migrate test case step attachments as they are.

Test case step custom field

Legacy Squad

New Squad

Text Field (single line)

A basic single line text box custom field to allow simple text input.

Text Field (Single Line)

Text Field (multi-line)

A multiline text area custom field to allow input of longer text strings.

Text Field (Multi-Line)

Number Field

A custom field that stores and validates numeric (floating point) input.


Radio Buttons

A list of radio buttons.



Choose multiple values using checkboxes.


Select List (single choices)

A single select list with a configurable list of options.

Select List (Single Choice)

Select List (multiple choices)

Choose multiple values in a select list.

Select List (Multi-Choice)

Date Picker

A custom field that stores dates and uses a date picker to view them.

Date Picker

Date Time Picker

A custom field that stores dates with a time component.


Test case change history

To migrate Legacy Squad test case history to New Squad we need to combine data from the Jira issue history and the “Test Details History” tab.

From the “Test Details History” tab we need to get data about changes made to Legacy Squad test steps.

From the Jira issue history, we need to get all the data available there.

After getting the data from both Legacy Squad histories we need to sort it based on the time that the change was made. (sort by date and time to get the right order.)

After sorting the data we import it to New Squad as a separate change event to the test case.

Test cycles fields

Legacy Squad

New Squad


Release version






Text custom field


Text custom field


Test cycle Planned start date


Test cycle Planned end date

Test execution fields

Legacy Squad

New Squad

Test execution key/id

Test execution key/id





Execution Status

Execution Status

All Execution Statuses - UNEXECUTED, PASS, FAIL, WIP, BLOCKED, Custom

UNEXECUTED → Not Executed

WIP → In Progress

PASS → Pass

FAIL → Fail

BLOCKED → Blocked

Custom → Custom

Default Status Description

As New Squad’s configuration

Default Status Color

As New Squad’s configuration

Custom Status Description

As Legacy Squad’s configuration

Custom Status Color

As Legacy Squad’s configuration

Assigned To

Assigned To





Comment Rich text attachment


Executed By

Executed By

Executed On

Executed On

Total Execution Time


Total Logged Time


Execution Work Flow Status


Component (In Cycle Summary grid)

Present under Details section

Label (In Cycle Summary grid)

Present under Details section



Execution History

Not Supported

Test Details

Test Script

Step results Test step

Test Script Test step

Step results Test data

Test Script Test data

Step results Test result

Test Script Test result

Step results Status

Test Script Status

All Test Step Results Statuses - UNEXECUTED, PASS, FAIL, WIP, BLOCKED, Custom

UNEXECUTED → Not Executed

WIP → In Progress

PASS → Pass

FAIL → Fail

BLOCKED → Blocked

Custom → Custom

Step results Comments

Test Script Actual Result

Step level Attachments

Test Script attachments

Step level custom fields

Test Script custom fields

Step results attachments

Test Script attachments

Step results defects

Test Script Issues

Execution search filters


Test execution custom field

Legacy Squad

New Squad

Text Field (single line)

A basic single line text box custom field to allow simple text input.

Text Field (Single Line)

Text Field (multi-line)

A multiline text area custom field to allow input of longer text strings.

Text Field (Multi-Line)

Number Field

A custom field that stores and validates numeric (floating point) input.


Radio Buttons

A list of radio buttons.



Choose multiple values using checkboxes.


Select List (single choices)

A single select list with a configurable list of options.

Select List (Single Choice)

Select List (multiple choices)

Choose multiple values in a select list.

Select List (Multi-Choice)

Date Picker

A custom field that stores dates and uses a date picker to view them.

Date Picker

Date Time Picker

A custom field that stores dates with a time component.


Test cycle folder structure

In Legacy Squad, a test cycle is created under a fix version. Fix versions can be in released or in unreleased state and the tree structure to organize test cycles are grouped by it. By default, a fix version named Unscheduled and a test cycle named Ad-hoc for each fix versions is present. Test cycles can have one more level called Test folder under it.

In New Squad, the folder hierarchy is created first and for each folder test cycles can be created. Folder structure are present for n-levels and fix versions are present as a field for the test cycle.

For migrating data from Legacy Squad to New Squad, the test cycle and folder hierarcy under the fix versions is migrated as the folder structure in New Squad. The executions present for each of these cycles and folders is added by creating a test cycle each under the respective folder node. The test cycle is given a name with the folder name prefix for e.g., login-cycle. The fix version for these test cycles is added as the fix version field value for the test cycle.

Ad hoc test cycles executions is migrated to folder named Ad hoc and by creating multiple test cycles with each fix versions added to it.

API Keys

Legacy Squad

New Squad

API Tokens

Existing tokens from Legacy Squad is not migrated. New api tokens need to be created.

Test Automation

Legacy Squad

New Squad

Saved configurations

Since the automation in New Squad is REST API based, the saved automation configurations won’t be applicable.

Data that will not be migrated

  • BDD data

  • Test execution history

  • Test execution saved filters

  • JQL saved filters

  • Test steps custom fields change history

  • Custom field of type Select list (cascading)

  • Custom field of type Label

  • Advanced custom fields for test cases

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